An artificial fly is made to look like an insect or fish that the fish you will be fishing for would eat. It conceals the hook while attracting the fish to take a bite. You can find many patterns on the internet and in books and magazines with detailed instructions on how to make different types of flies. Many of these patterns are proven classics. Fly tying has been around for centuries.
There are different types of feathers that are used for the different parts of the artificial fly. Sturdier, thicker feather elements such as biots are used to make bodies and wings. More delicate fly tying feathers make up the shapes of the legs and tails. Feathers are available in both natural colors and dyed.
Mallard feathers are frequently used to make wings. You will probably run across some feathers that are called CDC. That is the acronym for cul de canard, which could be translated as bottom of the duck. These are the feathers that surround the bird's oil gland, so they are also called oil gland feathers. It is this oily quality that makes them great fly tying feathers for dry flies, which need to stay on the surface of the water.
The fly tying feathers called hackles are very commonly used. Cape hackles are from the neck or shoulders of a hen or rooster, while saddle hackles are in the tail area. The webbing in these feathers makes them useful for dry flies because they float better. The schlappen is a specific type of feather from the saddle hackles from a hen, and is widely used in both wet and dry flies.
Marabou feathers are usually from turkeys, sometimes chickens. It is illegal to buy or sell true marabou feathers. The feathers are wispy and fluffy, which gives them the characteristic of moving around quite a bit underwater. They are also used as tails and as legs in a number of different streamer and nymph fly patterns.
Ostrich and peacock feathers are both used to create fly legs, heads, and tails. Peacock feathers are also used for bodies as they animate very well. Turkey quills are used to make bodies and wing casings, and turkey feathers for some other purposes. Partridge feathers are generally sold as a skin, the whole back and wings of the bird, which provides a variety of feathers for different applications. They are used for hackles, and can replicate tails, legs, and bodies.
Pheasant feathers, especially the tail feathers, are used for legs, tails, wingcases, and bodies. Fly tying feathers from the pheasant's body are used to create abdomens. Golden pheasant feathers are used in flies for trout, steelhead, and salmon. They may be used to make tails, wings, and cheeks.
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