As the Internet grew to become ingrained as a key part of our lifes, both professionally and at home, the necessity for result oriented web development has skyrocketed. So is this growth likely to continue or have in effect we reached the peak? Prior to when the Internet appeared, there were reasonably limited choices involving advertising and increasing your exposure to the buying public. Old school print was the most popular choice of many given that it delivered a solution cost effective for most, unlike television. Companies including the Yellow Pages and also industry driven directories formed huge business organizations on the back of providing this ad space to the masses and also ensuring it was circulated to the general public. Though there were no genuine alternate options, this process was rather flawed. There was never any guarantee that your adverts would be seen, there seemed to be no real means of monitoring results and as soon as you had agreed on the art work, there was no changing the style or text. Furthermore, a larger budget bought a far better advertisement or prime placing, therefore, the larger companies essentially drowned out the others. At that time came the actual web. At the outset it was slow with users being forced to dial up by way of a modem. The business world took very little note or appreciation. However with enough time came technological developments and access moved to ADSL and afterwards broadband. Right now of course, the planet is rolling out mega fast fiber optic cable connections, providing super fast upload and download rates. This led of course to the Internet becoming mainstream as well as an obvious manner in which the business environment could highlight their name brand, goods and services. In barely a few brief years, the Internet became firmly established in all of our everyday lives and often the first port of call for facts and strategies. With such a dominance on what we do, it has come to be the fundamental part of our advertising, with companies and sites all competing to be spotted by prospective consumers. This needless to say has triggered the explosion of the Web Development sector, which have devoted their services to understanding and applying the strategy needed rank their own in house and their clienteles web presence where it could actually have the greatest impression. There are many features to web development, from building the website to search engine optimisation now including the social media, mobile marketing and beyond. Which leads us nicely onto the long term future. Web Development has reached an all time high today, but the mobile age is already upon us. More and more of us are using mobile phones in order to connect to the Internet, for example the smartphone or tablet. Desktop usage is now declining. This truth is, research forecasts that by 2014, mobile surfing will most likely overhaul personal pc browsing. Therefore to answer the question tackled right at the beginning of this article, web development is pretty much still in it's infancy and will only become more commonly used. Nevertheless the function will establish and concentrate more on mobile solutions and smartphone web development. Onvizi is a business to business online marketing company with offices in London, Auckland and Jakarta. For more information about web development, visit their website at
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